Police Officers Receive Awards in Caprivi

By Simon Liseli

LONG serving members in the Namibian Police (NamPol) for ten to twenty for ten to twenty years were awarded medals in the Caprivi region by the Namibian police Inspector General Sebastian Haitota Kalola Ndeitunga last month.

Speaking during the ceremony Lt Gen. Ndeitunga share sentiments, to dedicated police officers who have understood the test of time and devoted their efforts to the best of their ability in the fight against crime and maintenance of law and order in the country.


Namibian Police Inspector General , Lt-General Sebastian Ndeitunga puts a medal on one of the long serving officers.

He pointed out that the medals were awarded to members of the Namibian police force in various rank categories and levels in recognition of their dedicated years of service.

He however confirmed that in spite of the enormous challenges, the Namibian police force has grown from strength to strength during the twenty two years of existence for becoming as one of the competitive police organisation not only in regions but world wide in terms of their operational and professional capabilities.

At its establishment in 1990 the force had about 800 members and currently now they are more than 14 thousand members in the force who are proficient in various specialities.

“We should stand together and united as one nation, contempt all criminal acts as well as all people with evil intent of causing confusions and disunity” he quashed.

Police Chief Ndeitunga added saying Namibia is a unitary state that should be respected, he called on the citizens of the country to protect and defend their sovereignty and territorial boundaries with dignity and integrity while facing criminal activities,.

“As a nation we must stand together in the defence of our sovereignty and territorial integrity without compromise, those misled and confusing the nation with alien propaganda should be made understand the afore fact” he said.

At independence the Namibian police force was composed of what was known as the “Blue Uniform”, the investigation units and a small fraction of protection officers and few years thereafter various other components of the organisation were established which included the Special Field Force, Special Reserve Force, Communications Directorate and many others.

The new projects to come in the Caprivi region are the construction of Kongola class C police station, Regional Headquarters, Omega, Chinchimani, Impalila class C police stations and the envisaged class B police station between Choto and Greenwell Matongo Communities which will depend on the land to be allocated to the police by the Katima Mulilo Town Council .

Police inspector general thanked the traditional leaders for having assisted in solving criminal cases especially stock theft.

“I urge you and your majesties to continue encouraging your community members to assist NAMPOL through various policing, neighbourhood watch, youth against crime amongst other forums” said Ndeitunga.

The Namibian Police Force has earned recognition at various forums in the international arena, 50 members of the force are currently serving on the United Nation (UN) peace support operations in Darfur, Southern Sudan, Liberia, East Timor and in New York while others are serving at various international police organization such as INTERPOL in various capabilities.

In his welcoming remarks the Caprivi Regional Governor and a former colonel in the Namibian Defence Force Hon. Alfea Sampofu said the Police Force came into being by the act of parliament contained in article 115 which says there shall be establishment of the Namibian Police Force with prescribed powers, duties and procedures in order to secure the internal security of Namibia and to maintain law and order.

“For the police to function well it should have trained personnel and resources that are reciprocal to the current situation” noted Sampofu.

Governor Sampofu mentioned out that, duties of the police are to prevent crime, maintain law and order, and preserve internal security in Namibia and to protect life and property.

“Make sure your plans are kept secret and as people who swore not to divulge information to any unauthorized person, avoiding tipping criminals about your operations against such criminals because when you do that you are betraying the force and the nation at large and you will never succeed in fighting against crime” he furthered.

The ceremony was attended by all Regional Councillors of the Caprivi region, Caprivi Governor Hon. Alfea Lawrence Sampofu, his worship mayor of Katima Mulilo town John Musialela Likando, Chief Kisko Liswani III of the Masubia Traditional Authority, Chief Joseph Tembwe Mayuni of Mashi Traditional Authority and Chief Boniface Lutibezi Shufu of the Mayeyi Traditional Authority with the four (4) Ngambela from the four (4 )traditional authorities in the region including police representatives  from the neighbouring Botswana and Zambia.

Caption: Namibian Police Inspector General , Lt-General





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