April 30, 2002 marked the birth of THE CAPRIVI VISION as an independent first black newspaper under the editorship of Mr. Risco Mashete Lumamezi.
Caprivi Vision prints and distributes more than 10 000 copies per edition to all surrounding communities in Namibia, Zambezi, North-eastern and Northern regions of Namibia, Windhoek and neighbouring countries such as Botswana and Zambia, and maintains a readership profile of more than 10 000 readers on print and more than 100,000 readers and viewers online.
Caprivi Vision has two primary objectives the first is to create the reading culture while at the same time, by providing the greater community news that highlight and profile community issues. While the second objective is to empower its audience by offering MSME’s business owners an opportunity to market themselves in order to grow, by providing a quality newspaper with competitive advertising rates. Deadline: Thursdays prior Cancellation Deadline: Thursdays prior Material.
Advertising in Caprivi Vision means that the newspaper will reach your desired audience on a Weekly basis (Friday – Thursday) presented in English and siLozi.
Advertisers can place all their vacancy ads, services and legal notices in the classifieds section of Caprivi Vision both online and print.
Advertising in Caprivi Vision provides Advertisers with an advantage of reaching their relevant audience at the best advertising rates.
However, in Namibia most newspapers are Windhoek based, whereas rural dwellers in the remote areas do not have a platform to present their voices of concerns in a language they understand to those delegate with authority to govern them. Here, Caprivi Vision has established distribution channels and news coverage in all 8 constituencies of Zambezi region where rural community share their voices in the language, siLozi they understand.
Only few indigenous language newspapers currently exist in the country such as Caprivi Vision, which shares news with the rest of the country and other countries of the Southern Africa and beyond, the world, as it is based in town of Katima Mulilo a get root to African corridors. It is widely distributed in town of Katima Mulilo the capital of Zambezi with the population of 35000 residents.
Demographic Profile
Home Language
Silozi, English, Totela, Subia, Yeyi, sifwe, hambuskushu, Oshiwambo, Afrikaans and other.
Age Group
We target young people, adults, and Pensioners with all classifications of our society, the lower, middle and upper income earners from the age of 18 – 80 years and above.
Male – 52%
Female – 45%
World Target Audience
Caprivi Vision has more than 30 000 Face book and YouTube viewers from Zambia, Botswana, Angola, United Kingdom ,Sweden ,United States of America ,Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa , Nigeria and Zimbabwe.
Urban and Rural
Urban – 40 % Rural – 80%
The Caprivi Vision is a weekly published newspaper in Namibia, with content in English and siLozi. It is sold in the Zambezi Region, Northern Regions of Namibia, in the capital Windhoek and other countries of the Southern Africa such as Botswana and Zambia.
It is also available online: www.caprivivision.com. and via social media platforms such as face book : https://www.facebook.com/caprivivision.newspaper/,YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/THECAPRIVIVISIONNEWSPAPER , twitter: https://twitter.com/caprivinews and Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thecaprivivision/
The Caprivi Vision is also available on: https://www.bing.com/search?q=caprivi+vision&form=ANNTH1&refig=a7f525fd19494221a743c48bac9d612d&sp=1&qs=HS&pq=c&sk=PRES1&sc=8-1&cvid=a7f525fd19494221a743c48bac9d612d
Caprivi Vision is covering local news ranging from community news to crime, schools, social and sports news in Namibia, advertising and news in the surrounding suburbs, the country in general and the world at large, it is geared for a very target audience: aspiring community and business owners, stating as the only newspaper.
The publication is currently published in town of Katima Mulilo.
We promise to continue with our mandate of providing a voice to the voiceless, without any fear of political or corporate intimidation.
Long Live The Caprivi Vision Newspaper!
Newspaper Certificate Reg.No: 14/2/98
Telephone :+264 812588781
E-mail : editor@caprivivision.com , caprivinews@yahoo.com , cvnews@caprivivision.com, advertising@caprivivision.com webmaster@caprivivision.com
P.O.BOX 2424