Katima Urban Councillor Mukaya dies on horrific accident

By Risco Lumamezi

Katima Mulilo Urban Councillor John Mukaya has died on a horrific car accident on Wednesday evening, when he was trying to overtake another vehicle on front, in Ngoma Road at Mpyu Area in the vicinity of Namalubi.

Mr.John Mukaya now deceased, Katima Mulilo Urban Councillor

Inspector Kisco Sitali, Namibian Police(NamPol) Spokesperson for Zambezi Region confirmed to Caprivi Vision that a case of Culpable Homicide with Cr186/05/2021 has been opened.

He said that a motor vehicle with registration number N2972 KM and another vehicle N208437W bumped head on collusion causing serious injuries and deaths of the two, Sisamu Gift Sibungo a Namibian adult male aged 30 years, a passenger who died on spot during the fatal accident, whilst Councillor Mukaya died at Katima Mulilo State Hospital at the time of his arrival.

“It’s alleged that the driver of the polo sedan was overtaking a vehicle in front of him which resulted in him colliding with the oncoming vehicle (Noa) causing serious injuries to all occupants in both vehicles. The driver of the polo Mr. John Mukaya was then rushed to Katima State Hospital where he passed on” explained Sitali.

About 13 people are in critical conditions in Intensive Care Unit (ICU), the following victims sustained serious injuries and they are admitted in Katima State Hospital.
1.Simango Malambo, a Zambian female aged 40yrs old
2. Nchindo Memory, a Namibian female aged 35
3. Mwaka Nyambe, Namibian female (21) years old
4. Siseho Mulele, Namibian male six (6) years old
5. Muyaya Litiya, a Namibian male 29 years old
6. Nyambe Mushabati, Namibian male aged 20
7. Susan Matomola, female age unknown
8. Siseho Namatama, Namibian Female 32 years old
9. Mzizi Welton, a Zimbabwean male, age unknown, (driver of Noa)
10. Siseho Nosiku, 1 year 7 months old
11. Unknown minor, female
12. Unknown baby, female (mother unconscious)
13. Unknown baby boy (mother unconscious)

NamPol Inspector Sitali further said that next of kin to the deceased persons are informed.






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