Happy Birthday Caprivi Vision


 April 30, 2002 marked the birth of THE CAPRIVI VISION  as the first black independent community newspaper founded by Mr.Risco Mashete Lumamezi as its Editor and other students at the campus of the Polytechnic of Namibia in 2000,while in the same year August 21 it was registered by the then Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Information and Broadcasting now renamed Ministry of Information and Communication Technology as a newspaper in terms of section 4 of the NEWSPAPER AND IMPRINT REGISTRATION ACT, 1971         ( ACT NO.63 OF 1971) .

 This year again will be celebrating the birth of this paper in turning its 10 years anniversary in watching this nation as per our slogan.

The Caprivi Vision newspaper was launched by a group of young people and hit the streets of Katima Mulilo, other parts of the Caprivi Region and Windhoek.

Since then it has been gathering information about the community of the Caprivi region and sharing it with the rest of the country and other cross boarder countries of Southern Africa.The publication is currently published in English and siLozi and has been a platform that brings the voice of the Caprivian people in stimulating debates on social and political agenda of the region as the major corner stones describing the existence of this youthful paper.With this achievement, we would like to first thank our advertisers who have been advertising in our paper since our establishment, and thus kept the newspaper going, as you all know that advertising is the backbone of newspaper publishing.

Through advertising, companies and organisations were able to sell their products or make known their institutions, mandates and services while at the same time helping us to generate the necessary revenue to print the paper.Since its inception the paper have been very vocal in publishing articles of public interest pertaining nation building, and in practicing investigative journalism around issues of politics, HIV and AIDS, democracy and human rights.We strongly believe that our perseverance, one way or the other, has made a difference. In fact  we are  proud  that  our people  (ordinary ) rural  dwellers  have access to information which they can digest and thereafter make informed decisions. They also have had the opportunity to write and voice their concerns in the spirit of democracy.

By publishing the Caprivi Vision, we have persisted in creating a reading culture among all our people. We have also provided a platform, for all our business leaders to promote and show-case their businesses and services to their customers.

 Our duty is to continue informing Caprivians and Namibians at large about issues affecting our society and seek answers to the problems from those that have been charged with the responsibility of governing or managing this great region and the country as a whole. We promise to continue with our mandate of providing a voice to the voiceless, without any fear of political or corporate intimidation.

We will continue to soldier on and continue to contribute to the publishing landscape in Caprivi now we are live on the World Wide Web and many people will be watching us live around the world.Caprivi Vision will remain as a mouth piece of this nation, we have seen that after the launch of this paper , people could have interest to read stories in their own language they could understand. They have also stepped in with contributions in writing their letters to the editor so that their voices can be heard in making their informed decisions.

Today we are proud that all our people have been baptized to keep this spirit of reading culture. We have also seen and noted that people should not starve of news, therefore we will continue bringing information which they can digest.

Long Live The Caprivi Vision Newspaper!






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