By Risco Lumamezi
A media NUST graduate Mr. James Munyanya, a brainchild and promoter of Zambezi Pride is with the mission to unite people of Zambezi region through his brand.
This initiative started two years after when Munyanya completed his Bachelor Degree in Journalism and Media Technology at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) in 2018.
“I am a Media graduate, currently doing Communication at NUST. I couldn’t get a job with my first degree so I was inspired to come up with a brand from my region. My dream is to represent the Zambezi region and Namibia at large to the world”
He is running a brand or clothing line called “ZAMBEZI PRIDE” which he started in October 2020. “My mission is to unite the different tribes and people of Zambezi through this brand” explained Mr. Munyanya.
According to him, the brand does not single out any tribe of the Zambezi region, saying that “but by wearing it, it means that you are proud of ZAMBEZI and you believe in a united region and that together we can stop tribalism, including addressing regional challenges affecting development”.
He added that, the idea was mooted with some talks with the right people in authority.
“We are trying to see how we can turn the name (ZAMBEZI PRIDE) into an annual event in our region, and on this day all different tribes would come together and celebrate as one, which is a way of breaking barriers and forming unity.”
“Our region is so divided, and therefore it is impossible to develop, because there is no dialogue among locals.”
He is hoping that the brand is growing with the aim to encourage entrepreneurship in the region.
“Our products are also meant for the international market or everyone who may associate themselves with the ZAMBEZI River.”
The brand and its mission statement rather, are to unite ZAMBEZI people together in order to address societal problems.
In Katima Mulilo the products are sold in Caprivi Cash and Carry, people can like and follow his Facebook page for orders and online trade:
Zambezi Pride can be reached here by Phone: +264814417511 / 0814164556 or email: