We need a refurbished community centre at Kaliyangile

Dear editor ,  we the residents of Kaliyangile Village are very much worried on why we are left out behind to the national slogan of peace , stability and prosperity.

Kaliyangile Community Resource Centre
Kaliyangile Community Resource Centre

We are currently own a community resource centre building which composed of 15 computers in a store room which are of no use and I don’t know why, but I went to Ioma and Linyanti community resource centres they are working in a good place, learners have opted to have access to library and internet facilities, and the community also benefit on it one way or another.

Why not at Kaliyangile? We have opened a debate of electricity and a fence for the school, but up to now no progress so we are currently like a tea with no sugar.

So the TRC management must answer to this issue as the building it’s getting old, no electricity in the house for teachers and even community members in the range of about 500 meters near school as I may mention places like Kaenda community have electricity from school. When we come to Sikubi in teachers’s house there is electricity. Why not at Kaliyangile?

 By Mashika Sicacani

Kozo Village






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