On the wake to celebrate 33 years Independence Anniversary of the Republic of Namibia that is scheduled for tomorrow March 21, 2023.
The Caprivi Vision journalists, Simon Liseli and Quinton Chimine took to the streets of Katima Mulilo with a vox pop:
- What is independence?
- Why Namibia still have high rate of unemployment?
3.What should government do to reduce high rate of unemployment in the country?
- What did the government achieve in the past 32 years?
A- 30- years old Mr Matengu Givean Simasiku, a graduate in Education (Teaching) completed his Diploma in 2019, and then he continued to articulate in 2020 to 2021 finished his degree, Honours. he also registered or enrolled to IOL (Institute of Open Learning) doing Advanced Certificate in Senior Primary.
When asked by The Caprivi Vision on as what are his views towards independence?
He has this to say, “celebrating independence is a vital thing to do because we remember about the people who fought for this country’ ‘however we have been celebrating for so long without change, we want change now. We want the President and his team in power to create jobs for the youth because this is the only challenge, we have now. We fought for this country yes, we understand but now we are left with the battle of unemployment. He questioned, “Where is unemployment taking us to? In addition to that many people will be involved in murder, theft and drug abuse because of high rate of unemployment. You completed your school or a graduate but doing nothing people gets into evil things.”
What do you think the government should do to that issue?
Matengu asks the government to build more classrooms in schools. He says “one person per subject (e.g., one teacher for mathematics or one teacher for physics) instead of being loaded with many subjects that way it can help reduce the level of unemployment”
Where do you think the government should improve?
Unemployment is so high but however let’s keep pushing education as they say is the key to success “One day these things will be over, the storm won’t be there forever, the sun will raise again” just keep pushing in education because education is the father to all.
Mr. Bennety Lisho Kayenge aged 31 years, a graduate employed as Assistant Accountant at a private company says it’s really hard to tell but however the government has achieved a lot since it gained its independence in terms of road infrastructure, lodges are at good looking standards.
When asked on what were his views towards independence?
Budget set is very high to spend on Independence Day in which this money can be used in a way to prioritize certain business or help the needy and improve the livelihood of people. He further says the government should reverse their decision on independence budget set.
As a Namibian Youth, what do you say about unemployment rate in Katima Mulilo (Zambezi Region) and nation at large since 1990?
Unemployment rate in the Zambezi region it’s so high due to lack of company investors or fewer compared to other regions. Corruption and nepotisms are high in the region. He urges that if investors come in number and set up companies as to support the agricultural sectors in the region unemployment will be reduced.
A-31-year-old Ms. Ronnel Tubazumbe who works as an admin officer at Ring Auto Specialist Garage describes independence as freedom from colonialism where people suffered in hands of colonisers before Namibia gained its independence on 21 March 1990.
On the issue of high rate of unemployment in the country, she says, “Unemployment is very high not only in the Zambezi region but across the country, “as am talking now I have level three certificate that I obtained at Zambezi Vocational Training Center (ZVTC) that qualifies me to work as an office administrator”.
She calls on private companies to help government by employing youth in Zambezi region in order to reduce the high rate of unemployment that seems to be alarmingly countrywide. “As youth our rights to work are like denied and government should not be reluctant, we want more project being created by government, when we talk of 33 years of freedom it’s too much, posts are being advertised and some of us we just hear after it has expired, we don’t know which method are they using when advertising, some applies through back doors which is corruption, we want adverts in black and white” She noted
Mr. Pelekelo Nalucha 24, says Independence is the day when Namibia was born though she doesn’t see it, “Some of us we do not see independence we just hear it from others but we are talking of 33 years without change to some of us, the day has become common as it is like any other day of the week, here in Zambezi we don’t have a specific place where we can all gather and celebrate this day.
In my view Independence should be at least taken into schools where younger people should also learn about it because they would wonder on what is happening and one would ask a question. When asked on the issue of high rate of unemployment, he says, “My brother we are celebrating 33 years of independence but don’t talk of unemployment because they are many graduates who are in street with degrees in different fields but they are unemployed, GRN should really do something on that issue” explained Pelekelo.
On achievement by the government for 33 years of freedom, Pelekelo commended GRN in areas such as Road infrastructure, Rural electrification, Water problem in some areas, Schools, Clinics and many others.
Ms. Felicia Kutelo 28, who is currently doing tailoring course (clothing production) at a certain private school in Katima Mulilo explained independence as free from apartheid laws and rules. Asked on why Namibia still have a high rate of unemployment after 33 years of Independence and what the government should do to reduce it, she has this to say “I think government should do something because it’s a serious issue that need to be resolved by the government, we have lot of youth with degrees and diplomas but they are found in streets committing crimes because they are jobless and nothing can keep them busy, street vendors are also facing problems as young people robs them and that is caused by unemployment” she says.
A-23-year-old, Ms. Pele Kabasi also studying tailoring lamented that youth in Zambezi region are just struggling with life since Namibia gained Independence in 1990, especially graduates in education, “They are full here without work, with us who are doing tailoring we are better because we can create our own employment through the knowledge, skills and experience we are gaining. We expect a change, 33 years of freedom is too much, our region is worth when compared to other regions around the country, government should do something”
Mr. Nyambe Sitali (18), a student at Triumphant College says job hunting has become difficult in the country whereby many graduates are at home because there’s no job. He called GRN to open businesses for youth to get employment and to increase number of schools because high number of graduates are holding degrees in teaching but can’t find jobs due to few schools, “Let’s take an example of this region (Zambezi) we have lot of children but schools are few and those holding degrees in teaching are also many is why I appeal to the government to increase schools” he furthers.