UDP returnees want referendum of Caprivi

By Staff Reporter

LONGTIME members of UDP who were once granted refugee status in the neighbouring Botswana in 1998, who have been forcibly deported back to Namibia on Tuesday want referendum on the Caprivi question.   

Mr.Tyson Mujela (Right) handing over a petition to the Namibian Deputy Minister of Home Affairs And Immigration, Maureen Hinda(Left)

 Members of the United Democratic Party (UDP) have requested the Namibian government to grant them a referendum to test the minds of the people of Caprivi as the doable solution.

On behalf of the group of the Caprivian Returnees Mr.Tyson Mujela handed over a petition to the Namibian Deputy Minister of Home Affairs And Immigration, Maureen Hinda that “today our words are few ,we request the following , we have realised that in the past we have communicated with the Botswana government to resolve the Caprivi contention issue amicably and all our communication to the Namibian government all fall in deaf ears”.

According to him the petition read as follows “we request your response regarding our security as members of the United Democratic Party (UDP)”

“If you accept us without our consent and ignoring this fact, kindly don’t force us to obey your rules”

Mr.Mujela also responded to the views of Mr.James Sankwasa, Deputy Minister of Works and Transport saying that “We listened carefully to the address made by the deputy minister his address is welcome but one thing which is surprising is that it has lot of threats, we believe that as UDP people Namibia is a democratic country as they say if you want to defeat them go to the ballot box, and why are they refusing to sit for the referendum to test if the power of the ballot box cannot work”

On behalf of the group of the Caprivian Returnees Mr.Tyson Mujela talks to the Namibian Deputy Minister of Home Affairs And Immigration, Maureen Hinda, James Sankwasa,Deputy Minister of Works and Transport, and Deputy Chairperson of the National Council, Hon.Bernard Sibalatani

He stressed that  the history of the Caprivi can be set right  by  answering to the burning question of that “why the Namibian government annexed Caprivi in1999 when all those who fled Caprivi were  already in Botswana  and why that annexure was made in June 1999 when the first exodus started in1998 six months down the line, why did they annexed  if we follow the history , we request the United Nations to help us on this matter, we request the international community to help us , we are not going to give up our identity this is the colour of who we are , we are United Democratic Party” Mujela furthers.



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