Sikaunga School Principal retires at 56

By Simon Liseli

A-56-year-old school principal of Sikaunga Primary situated some 130 kilometers north-west of Zambezi region in Kongola Constituency, took his early retirement at the beginning of last month to go and rest due to illness problems.

Sikaunga School Principal Mr. Alexious Mibonda bids farewell

Speaking during his farewell party that was held at Sikaunga, Mr.Mibonda emphasized more on the importance of education and encouraged his fellow teachers to follow his footsteps, by working hard together with learners and parents in order to achieve their goals and objectives to reach their dreams.

“Since I was born I have been enjoying my life with some difficulties, challenges and achievements as I have achieved a lot in life, especially when I was still in the western Zambezi until now when am leaving the ministry of education willingly, it’s why am calling for unity amongst you and remember that God gives only those who trouble themselves” he noted.

Mr. Mibonda extended his great appreciations to the Constituency Councilor Hon. David Muluti, Regional Education Director Mr. Austin Samupwa, Sibbinda Circuit Inspector Mr. Rosco Misika Lukubwe and other senior officials in the ministry.

“There’s one thing I will tell you now my friends, its not that when I am going to the village am going to sleep or maybe am going in suffering, that’s not the case, I have other programs that will keep me busy, as you know I am a person  involved in many activities, in other words I am a Politician, am  repeating that I am a ‘Politician’  you will see all my fruits in due course and I will make sure that I work tirelessly, not  opposing the government but to advice it, that is the other reason why am retiring” stressed Mr.Mibonda.

Sesheke Senior Secondary and Sikaunga Primary School choirs entertained the general public with songs and dances, praising the out-going principal Mr. Mibonda and good wishes from his fellow teachers of Singalamwe Combined, Sesheke, Kongola, Kayuo and Sikaunga Primary Schools, including other best wishes from school board members, village indunas and parents.

Who is Mr. Mibonda?

He is a son of the soil, Namibia, who hails from Makusi Village of Kaliyangile Area some 60 kilometers West of Zambezi region. He started his Primary School at Sibbinda in 1973 to 1979 when he completed his primary level. In 1980 he enrolled at Mayuni Senior Secondary School, where he only attended his standard 6, currently known as grade 8.

In 1981 Sikosinyana Senior Secondary School was opened. He continued with his Junior Secondary up to the year 1983. Alexious could not continue with his matric due to lack of support, so he decided to further his teaching studies where he spent two years studying Education Certificate for Primary (ECP).

He was then employed by the Ministry of Education as a teacher at Kaenda Primary School in 1986.

In January 1987, he was transferred from Kaenda to Sibbinda Primary School and in 1988, Mr.Mibonda was again transferred back to Kaenda where he taught up to 1st of July 1993, he was then transferred to Makanga Senior Secondary School.

In 2001, He was promoted into the Head of Department (HOD) at Kongola Combined School where he stayed for sixteen (16)months and was again transferred back to Kaenda Combined School.

In January 2003, the school was down-graded and Mr. Mibonda acted as the school principal to March 26, 2003.

On September 1, 2003 he was appointed as a principal in the former Western Caprivi where he worked very well and in 2004 the government opened another primary school called Masambo.

The Zambezi Regional Council (ZRC) tasked him to head the school which he described to be a secret plan by ZRC because the Ministry of Education did not know about such status of heading two schools and the Public Service Commission (PSC).

He then worked as head of two schools, for Masambo and Ndoro Memorial Primary from January 2004 to 2008 but could not get any benefits, which according to him was exploitation.

In 2008, the government heard his grievances and approved one post of Ndoro Junior Secondary School.

In 2012 he was transferred to Sikaunga Primary School where he continued working as the principal until his retirement, earlier last month in 2018.







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