Schuckmannsburg school hostel construction delays under scrutiny

By Simon Liseli

THE Construction delays of a hostel at Schuckmannsburg Senior Secondary School in Kabbe South at Luhonono are under scrutiny by Zambezi Regional government after contractors failed to complete the work.

Governor of Zambezi Region Hon. Lawrence Sampofu has confirmed the delay of Luhonono school hostel that had protracted for years now.

This has raised eye brows to the parents and the community at large as they do not know why the hostel fails to be constructed.

Seen in this photo is the envisaged Schuckmannsburg Senior Secondary School Hostel under the verge of construction delays. (Photo taken by Risco Lumamezi)

In his confirmation governor Sampofu agreed with what parents are concerned with, and is aware of the hostel situation that has prolonged for sometimes under construction.

He pointed out that the tender was first won by a Chinese Construction company to put up the foundation, and other things but they were challenged by flood waters and stopped because they could not continue due to heavy rain.

Governor Sampofu appeals to parents and the community at large to be patient as they are still looking for a constructor who is well equipped to do the job and finish at once.

“We do not want these briefcase businesses, people who only come to take money after a small thing and vanish, for now we are looking for a contractor who can do the job, who have trucks to ferry all materials to the site and finish the job” he concluded.

The hostel construction started at the same time with the one at Ndoro School, west of Zambezi that was supposed to be operational but due to electric stove that was installed the system still need to be changed to solar or gas stove,  as there is no electricity at Ndoro and the work done is at 99% completion.

“At Luhonono hostel there is nothing done, something that worries and we have changed almost three (3) contractors who only come and go after a small piece of a job.”

In 2019, a tender was awarded to a certain contractor to start the job but never took off the ground, and all went in drain.

“Last year we appointed another contractor who was at the site but since he left when the rain started up to date is not back, that is the problem we are facing and its true what our people are talking they need a hostel that side compared to Ndoro, the hostel is finished” explained Sampofu.

According to him, from November each year to June the following year when its rainy seasons no vehicle reaches the area because they stuck in the mud and the only period to do the job is from July to November.

The aim of constructing hostels in some schools is to accommodate learners from afar.

Luhonono has been identified as a strategic point in flood prone areas that can accommodate learners from combined schools in places such as Muzii, Nankuntwe, Namiyundu, Nsundwa and Ikaba once the hostel is operational mostly for grade 9 and 11.







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