Brotherly greetings to all the churches that proclaim the true gospel of God in the whole region of the Zambezi.
Brethren I am sure you all aware that the Devil has taken a final stance to fight all forms of good and righteousness and this time he is using money and business fraternity consisting of Chinese going around dishing millions to governments and individuals with the false impression of better lives and better employment.
The Tobacco Industry has currently taken a stance to fight the introduction of the new tobacco law in Namibia and is infiltrating the church and the youth to defy at its face this health law that intends to protect majority of our people and in particular youth from smoking.
We as the instruments of God in heaven should without fear or compromise reject any form of idea that tends to destroy the spiritual and psychological well-being of our people. If we allow tobacco to flourish in the country it will be a matter of time majority of our people including Christians will be tempted to smoke especially those who are half converted.
The church is mandated to guard the spiritual part of the human being, which the Devil is busy fighting with dismal failure. The industries engaged in the business of harming human health and lives are direct instruments of the evil one, lovers of money more than lovers of God and His creatures.
So the church has to be vigilant and guard the souls of the elected few whose desire is to do the will of God. The church is the only institute the Devil is still fighting. Governments and all forms of business are under the control of the evil one and they can do anything without the fear of God so the elect few have to call the attention of these people to God and make them aware that God will never be happy with them if they continue harming the lives and welfare of His people Ezekiel 33:8.
The evil one is blinding the people from accepting that their bodies are temples of God 1Corinthians 6:19 so the advent of abundance of tobacco in Namibia and the Zambezi in particular will defy this principle and more people will be influenced to defile their bodies in the interest of no one else but the devil. All who do so are a dwelling place for the evil one and inclined to smoke and use alcohol and harmful drugs.
Now coming back to the subject of this letter all churches are warned never to compromise on the health principle of life and to reject any substance that is harmful to the environment and the body.
Tobacco if used correctly can do just that. Dwellers of the Zambezi Region then Caprivi remember early in the 70’s and 80’s tobacco farming was introduced in the region but was flatly rejected by the two wise chiefs that existed then because they saw no human benefit from it what has made tobacco so beneficial to humans now 35 years after that wisdom packed stance.
Science has proved without doubt that tobacco is harmful even the industry acknowledges that so money or no money tobacco development is a weapon of mass destruction for any country. Human beings as creatures of God are suppose to maintain the character of God smoking and drinking is not the character of God and those who do so are assured never to enter heaven Revelation 22:15 those with faith in God believe there is a heaven waiting for them up yonder and the Bible is standard code of conduct if their lives contradict what the Bible says it means the place reserved for the Devil is their rightful place.
In the above view the introduction of tobacco in the country in particular the Zambezi Region calls for more reason for the church to work hard to tackle the evil poison. Tobacco has been rejected by all living creatures except humankind, even if you teach a dog or chicken to eat tobacco you will never succeed. A pap dipped in tobacco soup will never be tested by a dog. The harms of tobacco are recognized by animals and birds only human beings have ignored these harms and have thus suffered the consequences of their negligence. God therefore expects the church to warn those who are receptive against the dangers of such products and encourage them to shun them, for the sake of their health 1Corinthians 10:31 the duty of mankind is to do all to the glory of God.
If churches will ignore this solemn call to reject the introduction of a tobacco farm in the Zambezi it will mean they will be ready to baptize smokers or preach hard to make people stop smoking before baptism or expect relapses and rebaptisms.
Additionally they should expect a sickly, cancer suffering congregation that will even fail to go out and preach. Make the souls of your members a priority, and avoid the tobacco industry deception that tobacco will make their lives better . In the contrary the product will first destroy your land so that even if you plant something, nothing grows and food insecurity will prevail with related ills, the consequences of failure to produce food are numerous and in the long run affecting the spiritual, psychological, social, physical and recreational well-being of people.
I personally wish to appeal to all the churches that fear God and keep His statutes to:
- Solemnly embrace the call for the rejection of the introduction of tobacco in Zambezi in particular and Namibia in general.
- To mobilize their congregations against smoking and tobacco production in Namibia as a whole.
- To adhere to the call of God to warn people and sharpen them for the sake of their salvation Ezekiel 33:9, Proverbs 27:17.
- To engage government and their agencies in a solemn and serious discussion to discourage the introduction of tobacco in the Zambezi Region.
Tobacco has no benefit for human consumption it is a silent dangerous killer that knows no boundaries, profession, rank or age the sooner the country discards it the better for their spiritual and physical health. It is a silent weapon of mass destruction that deserves no compromise or blessing. Even if you pray for it; it will still bear it original characteristics to harm and destroy, so let it be an abomination.
May the good Lord guide and lead the way as you deliberate on this issue of life and death.
Reject all death money amidst us.
Bashupi B Maloboka