Dear Editor,
Let me bring your mind back if one was lost: I think all our parents and all our parent’s forefathers where from Zambia even some of our mothers and fathers are still in Zambia. All Caprivians are from Zambia, e.g. before Caprivi Strip where did our leaders come from? That we call today (chiefs) late Chief Simataa Mamili who was appointed by Mr. Stratford, a German Imperialist long ago, he was from Zambia. When you think of 1820 and today 2012 should you tell me that you are who? I think we are all Zambians by origin.Why our siLozi language will never expire, just because it is our mother language. Where -ever you go in Caprivi, communication is siLozi.

When you go in Zambia, they speak siLozi. Our first language in Caprivi is Lozi now tell me where you discriminate Zambians. Did the government of this country Namibia launch an investigation in among GRN workers to find who are the majority, Named in siLozi and see how many will be found?Maybe all higher ranked members are Lozi speaking names otherwise. To me by comparing Caprivi is Zambia. Why do we speak one language? It was so wonderful and shame on the 17th of March 2012 when the dead line of the deportation of Zambians a clean up campaign.

And all Caprivians were so happy about the clean-up (deportations) of Zambians. But still some of the people who own more workers and relay on them were so worried that business will be destroyed but none of them stood up and defended them. There are so many GRN workers who own those Zambians, and if these people go back Caprivi will go down because of them.These people are employed as cattle guards, Farm workers, house servants and village assistants.

We still have boarders, Let us not be afraid to speak the truth. We are Zambians; all languages here in our region are still spoken and found in Zambia, no country where you can speak siLozi but only in Zambia and Caprivi region, so let us not discriminate our own family. I think some of Caprivians will support me.

I remember our former magistrate Mrs. Rachel Sakala she was speaking siLozi and all people where so happy while in the office of the magistrate because she spoke siLozi with them. I am so happy when I hear people speaking out saying Zambia will soon change to Barotseland. This means all people who speak siLozi are included. That is why I’m saying no Zambian in Caprivi region; we are all one family just for an example when you go to Sesheke you will speak siLozi. You go at our Katima Mulilo Hospital you speak siLozi but now when you go to western Caprivi near Rundu you have to speak English as an international language.Some of us who shy to speak English you will pretend to use sign language. So I am strongly believed that we are all Zambians.

Mr. Sililo Mundia John
Sinai Village
Cell: +264 817628992







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