Namibia Commemorates SADC Liberation Day

Ambassador Jerobeam Shaanika, Acting Head: Department of Multilateral Relations and Cooperation

By Staff Reporter

Namibia has joined all member states of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) economic bloc in commemorating SADC Liberation Day, on March 23, 2022.

In a media statement sent to Caprivi Vision from the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation, Ms.Marbeline Goagoses Deputy Director of Information Research , explained that this is in honour of the sons and daughters of Southern Africa who sacrificed their lives in paying the ultimate price in the struggle for  political liberation and economic freedom of the Region.

“Since 2019, SADC has commemorated March 23 as the day that marked the end of one of the fiercest conventional battles at Cuito Cuanavale in southern Angola, where forces of the apartheid regime in South Africa were defeated, leading to the independence of Namibia and the creation of a non-racial democratic South Africa as well as the consolidation of the independence and sovereignty of Angola.”

Thus, it brought to an end, the senseless destruction of economic infrastructure and bloodshed in Southern Africa.

she said the the new chapter of peace and stability was opened,for  enabling the region to pursue the path of regional integration rather than confrontation.

“Hence, in commemorating March 23, Liberation Day, we honour the brave sons and daughters of the region and their fellow internationalist fighters who made supreme sacrifice in lighting the flame of freedom and whose blood watered the tree bearing the fruits we enjoy today.

Likewise, we salute the visionary founders of SADC whose foresight of Southern Africa moving towards political liberation has been translated into reality and it is now up to us and future generations to move it forward through the SADC Vision 2050 and the SADC Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) 2020-2030; guiding the strategic direction of the Region.”

Both the SADC Vision 2050 and RISDP 2020-30 envision a peaceful, middle- to high-income industrialized region, where all citizens enjoy sustainable economic well-being, justice and freedom.

For more,follow the links below to watch an interview with Ambassador Jerobeam Shaanika, Acting Head: Department of Multilateral Relations and Cooperation on the topic: MIRCO NAMIBIAYOUTUBE:






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