N$ 20 Million latrine project worries old people

Constructed new latrine at Kalumba Village in Caprivi

By Simon Liseli
SOME elderly people in villages around rural Caprivi have expressed concerns on the allocation of latrines, as a vast number of them did not benefit from the project.
Speaking to the Caprivi Vision newspaper, one of the agitated villagers, 61 year old Miss Kahundu Josephine Kalokela said she was worried because her other friends benefited from the project.
“We are all old and why did they leave us since we are in the same region under the leadership of the same people, I’m surprised,” she said.
Rural dwellers and squatter settlement areas in Namibia are still using bush for toilet and this is a disturbing factor that causes poor sanitation and viral diseases among the households.
Kahundu further stated that people who were digging latrines had told them that they would come back for them but she is not sure, as they are no sign, which indicates that. Another lady who requested anonymity said they were discriminated and she is not happy on how they did it.
“I don’t know why our government did that to us as our friends got them, I’m very much worried it’s unfair,” she lamented. Mrs. Esnard Mutalufu, a 60-year-old villager who benefited from the project described it as a major development in their village.
“I’m very happy with the effort our government did to us as old people, we have been helped especially during rain seasons when grass and bushes grow bigger, snakes used to be more and these can harm us or even kill. These latrines are very nice I’m now just worried of water because it’s very far where we are fetching it. but otherwise the government should help us” she explained further,” she said.
Contacted for comments on the concerns raised by those who did not benefit from the project, the Caprivi Regional Governor, Leonard Mwilima, said the N$ 20 million that was given to the Caprivi Region to build latrines for old people was distributed to all the six constituencies in the region and each area in a constituency was given 12 latrines. The Village Development Committee (VDCO) was given the responsibility of getting twelve elders in their areas, who would benefit.
“People should accept development when it comes and there is nothing to complain in this case, and its not only happening here in the Caprivi region but it’s a country wide project and those who did not get in this first round phase will get in the next round” Mwilima further explained.





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