Imperforated Anus Patient needs urgent medical operation

By Dominic Sikopo

PARENTS  of a six -year -old boy with an imperforated anus are in need of critical assistance as the medical condition of their Son seems to be getting worse as he is growing.

 Gift Mikatazo was born on 14 September 2007  with his rear opening (anus) clamped which prevents him from removing waste material (faeces) from his body.

Gift Mikatazo pic with parents edited
Concerned Parents of the six year old boy , Gift Mikatazo, left is the Father Mr. Charles Mikatazo and the Mother, Ms. Lilian Pangula.

 The boy`s parents Mr. Charles Mikatazo (44) and Ms.Lilian Pangula (31) told Caprivi Vision that it all started when the boy was born, “I realised when a day was born that his rear was closed and that prevented him from egesting”, explains the mother that upon realising the situation, she rushed back to the hospital the very same day she was discharged from Katima Mulilo State Hospital where she says Medical officials only took x-rays of the boy.

The Worried mother, explains that she was transferred to Rundu State Hospital the next day where surgery was performed on the boy. “They performed an operation on my son ,they brought out his intestine that carries out his wastes, they made an opening on his abdomen and placed a make shift bag which collects and stores the boy’s waste remains”, she said with a sad expression.

 She further gruesomely revealed that there are occasions that when the boy urinates, some of the wastes (faeces) come out through his penis along with the urine, “I am really concerned about my son`s condition as his intestines have gotten big as the boy has grown and have even split into two”, cried the worried mother who added that every time the boy egests that his intestines become inflated and balloon drastically which always has her worried.

The boy has also not been able to attend school like the rest of his peers as fears are that he might injure his wound.

Caprivi Vision understands that the couple`s attempts at getting medical assistance from the Katima Mulilo State Hospital have so far proved futile as they are always given the excuse of the Medical Doctor  responsible is always being busy as the boy`s health passport states “Imperforated Anus, child has a colostomy done in 2007, patient needs a pull through discussed with  Medical Doctor for paediatric surgery”

 The boy’s passport further shows “currently no open dates for the child as specialist is busy with complicated cases”.

 In an effort to find out more if the hospital was aware of the case Mr. Albius Maswahu , Director of the Ministry of Health And Social Services for Zambezi Region, told this paper that he was not aware of such a matter since his appointment as the Health Director has been since 2011 but further added that  cases of such nature were rare but common, “In my 38 years of service, I have seen quite a number of these cases but these cases usually require specialised surgery”.

Mr. Maswahu said that operations are only done in Windhoek, and usually an operation  called a slit is done in Rundu which allows the person in this case to pass stools(waste material).

 He further advised the boy`s parents to come along to his office with the boy`s health passport so that they can be able to better know what steps to take.

 The parents have also been asking for the donations as they are both un-employed and the boy`s condition requires him to constantly be fed , the bank account details for the boy is Lilian Kabuba Pangula, Account no: 74249042694 ,  for more information  call cell: 0814508343 OR 0817537399.

Six year old Gift Mikatazo with the make-shift bag on his abdomen where he excretes his waste material.
Six year old Gift Mikatazo with the make-shift bag on his abdomen where he excretes his waste material.

 Caprivi Vision again made an enquiry from the boy`s parents finding out whether they had been in touch with Mr. Maswahu, the boy`s mother Ms. Pangula explained that they had gone to see Mr. Maswahu (who had criticised the parents that they were supposed to consult the hospital first before talking to the media) and that after a Medical Doctor had been summoned to come and see the boy and he explained that it should not have taken this long for the boy to receive medical attention saying that he should have been operated on very early in his childhood although the boy was booked and was expected to be reffered to Windhoek where he would undergo surgery.

At the time of going for press , the boy was again sent to Katutura State Hospital medical attention and  was later discharged saying the specialist Medical Doctor will contact his parents telephonically after proper bookings.







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