By Staff Reporter
The Electricity Control Board (ECB), the power regulator in Namibia has increased the electricity tariff by an average bulk tariff of 2.92 % for the period 2021/2022.
An increase is reckoned from the current approved tariff of N$1.6500 per kilowatt-hour to N$1.6982 per kilowatt-hour for the period 2021/2022.
This follows after a two-year period of no bulk tariff increases , and this is only applicable to the NamPower bulk customer such as the Regional Electricity Distributors (REDS), Local Authorities, Regional Councils and Mines.
The Electricity regulator has considered from its annual electricity tariff reviews conducted to ensure that utilities charge appropriate tariffs to collect enough revenue in order to enable reliable and efficient operations at an affordable rate.
This was announced by Ms. Foibe Namene, Chief Executive Officer of ECB on Wednesday saying that “The ECB is cognisant that the economy is still struggling and has not yet recovered to mitigate the impact of the tariff increase on consumers and the economy for the period 2021/2022 an amount of N$35 million is allowed to be used for variable operation cost of the thermal plants by NamPower from the Long Run Marginal cost”
The approved tariff adjustment is effective from July 1, 2021.