By Staff Reporter
Chief Inyambo Yeta III of Mwandi, Mulobezi and Sesheke Districts has died at the age of 69 in Maina Soko military hospital in Lusaka on July 20, 2023 after he went for his medical review.
He was described by the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) of the Western Province of Zambia as a great man in his 46 years of traditional leadership.
Who is Senior Chief Inyambo Yeta III?
Senior Chief Inyambo Yeta is the traditional ruler of the Sesheke Chiefdom in the Western Province of Zambia. He ascended to the throne in September 1977 and is the second born son of the king of Kingdom, Litunga late Ilute Yeta IV (1977-2000).
Senior Chief Inyambo Yeta studied law at the Universities of Swaziland and Edinburgh, Scotland, where he graduated with an honours in LLB.
The BBN deeps deeper into the works of his Royal Highness senior chief Inyambo Yeta the son to king of Barotseland Litunga late Ilute yeta IV, who is in charge of Mwandi , Mulobezi and Sesheke districts of Barotseland.
He came on the throne at a tender age of (23) in 1977, from the Law school at the University of Zambia, University of Scotland and the Barotse Royal Establishment made a decision that “you tried not to accept but you were meant to accept it, that you became a youngest Senior Chief in the history of Barotseland”.
Chief Inyambo Yeta brought a lot of reforms in his chiefdom. He also lobbied for the empowerment projects to the youths and women including the Mwandi Khuta.
Mwandi Khuta is the only BRE traditional Khuta that empowers its Indunas and workers in the entire Barotseland. It’s the only Khuta that pays salaries every month to its Indunas above the minimum wage. The rest of the district BRE Khutas including at the headquarters in Lealui /Limulunga they are only surviving on hide outs and deals.
Apart from regional BRE chiefs, Chief Inyambo yeta collaborates and works well with others such as Chief Mukuni, Chief Sekute , Chief Moomba, Musokotwane and all Namibian Chiefs.
Some of projects that he brought ;
The Inyambo Development Trust Fund, was created to spearhead the projects in Mwandi , sesheke and Mulobezi districts.
Mwandi Cultural Center was created to work in progress aimed at constructing a pavilion at which, numerous artifacts, pictures, carvings, basketry, performing arts, and other ancient valuables are displayed to visitors and tourists.
The rehabilitating of the Silowana [Sioma] National Park, and he lobbied for funds for the project and engaged peace parks foundation to ensure a sustained rehabilitation and wildlife restocking program was brought in.
He brought a joint programme called SIMALAHA Community Conservancy in partnership with his counterpart Chief Sekute to create a wildlife park aimed at empowering the local people through shared community wildlife resources.
“We are in the process of producing an integrated tourism product that is going to attract tourists and create opportunities for wealth creation for our people”, said Inyambo.
In 2013 His Royal Highness senior chief Inyambo Yeta started the project of 5 Star Royal Mwandi lodge, Senior Chief Inyambo Yeta also embarked on fish hatching, a project with the potential to supply 30% of Zambia’s annual fish fingering requirements; or the combined annual fish fingering needs for Luapula, Northern and Muchinga Provinces.
He lobbied for developmental projects and government gave the Inyambo Community Development Trust a loan of K3,3m to boost fish production at the Mwandi Integrated Fish Farm project. The cheque was sourced from loads and investments division of the Ministry of Finance and it will be repayable in 15 years’ time with a grace period of two years and the first repayment was made in 2017.
Then Finance Minister Alexander Chikwanda and Induna Amukuteile of Mwandi Kuta signed the loan agreement of K3, 341, 007.00 on Monday 9th December 2015 for the project
He introduced the timber stamps in every area Induna so that each village benefits from its natural resources.
He persuaded some Americans to help in protecting our wildlife by introducing artificial traditional attire that men wear during the Kuomboka ceremonies for Limulunga, Nalolo and Libonda Royal Villages. He brought in investors to open a mine in Mulobezi district.
In 2012 Mwandi Khuta during the Barotse National council (BNC) voted to go for independence of Barotseland.
He was also a lawyer by profession and once acted as the president of UNIP before he resigned from been active in politics. The chiefs act that bars chiefs from participating in politics was introduced to stop him by the MMD regime in 1995.
His Royal highness Senior Chief Inyambo Yeta is the second born child of King of Barotseland, Litunga late Ilute Yeta IV.
In the space of one year, Barotseland has lost three senior chiefs from Naliele in Kaoma (25th December 2022), Libonda (20th February 2023) and now Mwandi Royal village (20th July 2023).