April 30, marks the birth of The Caprivi Vision Newspaper as an independent community/Regional Newspaper in Namibia.
This year we are celebrating our 15 years of independent reporting, since 2002 April 30. When the new born baby called the Caprivi Vision was born in the print media landscape of Namibia, whereas most of the newspapers in Namibia are Windhoek based, this was not easy to establish or either starting-up a community newspaper which broke the silence and in making or creating a platform for the voiceless to express their voices of concerns to the people who delegated to govern them.
As we hold back our memories of the past in the Caprivi at the time , we created the reading culture that the ordinary people could be able to share their opinions though they were some difficulties among the community to get rid of the set-backs, because some they were afraid that this newspaper was a political ambush to instigate people to oppose the government, but all this did not deter us in keeping them informed by providing the platform to speak-up while at the same time to make a place for the local business entrepreneurs to showcase their products and services.
Perhaps, the paper reported the truth in telling what the State chooses to do rather not to tell what it should do.
In this fifteenth birthday anniversary, we want to extend our sincere gratitude in welcoming the voiceless nation in particular people from Barotseland in towns like Katima Mulilo of Zambia, Sesheke, Livingstone, Sioma, and Mongu the capital of Barotseland (Western Province of Zambia) this has been a response to the request of the indigenous group of the Lozi people as we share the same common linguistic culture under unified traditional supremacy here in presenting in siLozi language which is one of our cornerstone mono linguistic language.
The Caprivi Vision Newspaper is here to serve you in any circumstances by creating the reading culture in promoting the siLozi language , while at the same time will create the platform for the business community in neighbouring countries since we are located in the get root to SADC region.
Very soon, would criss-cross the north western part of Botswana in Kasane and Hwange town of Zimbabwe with stories and happenings, from these respected neighbourhoods.
For the newspaper to succeed it has to clearly depend from the local audience which are the readership and clientele market the business community which is dedicated in publicity, unlike the current monopolistic market of Asian/ Chinese with chain shops who don’t plough back to the community in either injecting funds indirect by advertising which will also bring back the money to the state coffers.
Therefore, we promise to continue publishing this paper for the benefit of all our people in the remote towns and villages, while doing so in solidarity to sharpen these fundamental freedoms of speech, expression and media, in the spirit of democratic values.
Happy 15th Birth day anniversary Caprivi Vision!!!