Caprivi Merger Still an Issue

Dear Editor, Allow me to say few words in this paper. I read in your 31 October – 15 November paper where Hon: Nangolo Mbumba ( SWAPO Secretary General) made his voice clear on the issue of Caprivi merger.

 Mr.Mbumba confirmed to this paper that the merger existed and later denied that he was not part of the team at that time.

It’s clear that the merger between Mr.Mishake Muyongo and the founding Father, Dr Sam Nujoma, it`s true was signed in the year 1964.

 Mr Mbumba cannot divert from the story after giving the truth he knows, the truth will never change to a lie, it will remain the truth.

 Let me mention other statement where Mr Mbumba made it clear that he knows the merger in detail. Hon. Mbumba said that” the merger agreement is the old story of the past, which was done over decades some 40 years ago.”
Who don’t understand the linguistic competence, which Hon. Mbumba used in this paper?

 People they want the truth of the matter, We don’t want people who speak with two mouth on the issue of Caprivi, you cannot agree and disagree, what impression are you showing to the nation? Speak with one mouth we will hear you. Everyone needs to be free. To cave a better way for generations,is to focus on the truth of that history.
Caprivi in minds.

 Venken Batoboha.

 Sent via e-mail.








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