Barotse ex-prisoner speaks out

By Staff Reporter

A former Zambian Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), public prosecutor Mr.Muleta Kalaluka from Mungu, has denounced the appointment of Inonge Wina, Zambia’s Vice President as a demise.

Mr.Muleta Kalaluka , former Zambian Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), public prosecutor
Mr.Muleta Kalaluka , former Zambian Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), public prosecutor

“Inonge Wina her blood, is in Barotseland if she spits saliva on the floor whether she spits that saliva in state house for Northern Rhodesia, that saliva belongs to Barotseland, she is there to earn a living but she will never declare even to God that she is not a citizen of Barotseland” Mr Kalaluka told Caprivi Vision in an exclusive interview on the current state of the Western Province of Zambia.

When quizzed for comment on the first-ever appointment of a female Zambian Vice president, Ms. Inonge Wina who is a member of the Barotse by the newly inaugurated president of Zambia Mr Edgar Lungu , if it was an opportunity for the long debated Barotse Agreement of 1964 to come to an end.

He quashed that “however, she cannot do anything in terms of this Barotseland agreement because whether she was put into that position to harmonise the situation, this situation is too late where were they? on 27th day of March 2012 when the resolutions were passed. Inonge Wina cannot convince us because when she was an MP the people were killed in her presence, she was there when the people were arrested, people are tortured everyday running up and down sleeping in the bush on the graves and near graves, in fact she is a Vice president for Northern Rhodesia, it is good that Edgar Lungu has appointed a foreigner to be a vice president to their land” expressed Mr.Kalauka.

“yes government has been established in Barotseland, yes I’m in Government, the legalisation is from 27 March 2012, to restore Barotseland the way it was a total independence that legal we don’t need Zambian government to come and say no go and do this you start doing this, we do not need the Namibian authority to say go and do this, Zimbabwe you go, no no because of this meeting it’s a legal status”

He said, Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) was colonised by the British and Barotseland was in its own until 18 May 1964 when Barotseland agreement was signed incorporating two countries.

“With the slogan which Kenneth Kaunda have said one Zambia one nation”

He explained that Kaunda was the prime minister at the time of signing the agreement, representing Northern Rhodesia while the Barotseland was represented by Litungu.

“Dr. Kaunda, he signed the agreement, he changed everything making things contrary to agreement. He never, he stopped the Litunga”

On 25 March 2012 , Barotseland National Council called a meeting of chiefs and diplomats and neighbouring countries“ the reason was to ask whether Barotseland should go ahead , and we are no longer interested to be part and parcel and we need a total independence of Barotseland and that when the secretariat , they never said that we should seek the government of Zambia to come and seat. The organisations such as BF, Linyungandambo started working and representatives from Zambian government and security where there.”

He argued that the Linyungandambo literally means shake your neighbour, March 27, 2012 declared Barotseland as a state after the resolutions, which also declared Administrator General Afumba Mombotwa who has been arrested by Zambian authority in December 2014 when he was on his way to Kasaya at Livingstone.

“ Its them who made the violation, the Zambian government they are forcing ruling barotse land, We have engaged the lawyers to the International Court of Justice, and let the court decide, we don’t want to shed blood, we are educated for that, we don’t want to fight we want to separate nicely”

Barotseland is a richest nation in the world as most of the resources are still intact, fertile land to grow maize and cassava and etc, among others, animal parks and minerals at liula and Sioma. “We have oil, and the minerals that are found in Zaire, Angola, Namibia and Botswana is the same belt my brother”

“Just recently Edgar Lungu let him dispute, he went to Nigeria saying give me money when I will win elections you will take oil from western province”.

The concerned Barotse separatist pointed that “Zambian government has a style of not putting Barotseland on the map, just imagine Victoria Falls belongs to Barotseland but they say Zambia, Victoria Falls it brings money, now we want to develop our land, let them accept what has happened marriage is finished.”

“We want the international community to come and intervene, even though they have chased me from employment, yes they have arrested me what did they benefit nothing, so what we want is the international community to intervene we are tired we are fed up, our people have been killed we got graves some we don’t even know where they are buried.”

The Lusaka Times reported that the former public prosecutor, Mr.Kalaluka and Former Barotseland Prime minister and deputy minister of education in president Rupiah Banda’s government, Mr Clement Sinyinda were released from prison last year, by a Lusaka magistrate court which set free 54 Barotse separatist who were facing charges of treason for attempting to secede from the rest of Zambia after the state entered a nolle proseque.

Magistrate Aridah Chulu set free the 54 activists that had been in detention since August 30, 2013.

Efforts to hear from Zambian authority on the matter, Zambian High Commissioner to Namibia Ms Sylvia Chalikosa, promised to give response and advised through her secretary that her office was still finding someone to respond, while at the time of going for press this paper was not reliably informed. Watch for the next edition to hear more on this story.







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