By Staff Reporter
THE Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security (MHAISS) strongly warns the public about an illegal business of producing and selling of birth certificates and Identity documents.
MHAISS‘s Executive Director Mr. Etienne Maritz , reminds the public that the registration such as first registration of birth and application for identification documents are provided for free of charge by the Ministry.
“We therefore, urge the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity related to the production or distribution of fake national documents to the nearest law enforcement authorities or the Ministry of Home Affairs , Immigration, Safety and Security ”. He speaks.
In protection of country’s’ security, this caution comes in the wake of an increasing number of incidents involving forged identification papers, educational certificates and other official documents.
According to the Home Affairs’ executive director, “ the production of fake documents undermines the integrity of our national documents and poses a threat to national security”
Following a public notice which was released on July 1, 2024 Mr. Maritz assured the public that the ministry has all the capacity to verify the authenticity of all national documents and warned those individuals involved in the production and usage of counterfeit documents as making themselves guilty of an offence and will be prosecuted accordingly.
He however emphasises the importance of civil registration officials in maintaining national security and ensuring the credibility of national registrations.
He further requests the public to report any concerns of such nature to the Ministry of Home Affairs , Immigration, Safety and Security on Mobile number :0811467074 or 0811436265.
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