2011 Population and Housing Census is over now

Dear Editor , Allow me a space, The 2011 population and Housing Census is completely over now but a question still remains in brackets which the leaders of this country must be in a position to answer.

In fact the general public in rural areas indeed were not away of the purpose at which a census must be conducted in a country, according to my research I found that during this assignment the enumerators faced problems to have an interview with the general public. This was simply because of the under mentioned reasons.

1. The general public did not have any knowledge of what a census is.

2. On the other hand they only knew that they should be registered by the numerators in order for them to be able to receive drought relief foods.

3. The general public also thought they have to register or to be interviewed to avoid any interrogation with the police officers during any exercise aimed to monitor the public.

4. The other point was that they should be interviewed to identify their citizenship.
Ok on the other hand, they were alright simply because the government usually works with such statistics in order to know how many people need a help of any kind which includes drought relief foods.

However there are a lot of purposes why a census must be conducted in a country and in Namibia it is usually conducted after a period of ten years.

Now the government must be in a position to answer to the question of the general public regarding a knowledge about what a census is in order for enumerators in the future census assignment not to have similar problems.

Finally according to my ideology, I understand that the data found by the enumerators in the 2011 population and housing census is definitely going to guide our government to successful administer our country and allocate our natural resources equally.

Secondly, our government should have educational programs with the general public before any census is carried out.

I thank you

By Dunbar Saini Chakopo
Caprivi Region






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